Oktoberfest 2009

Join the HONK! Festival Parade leaving Davis Square at noon and arriving at the Oktoberfest at 1:00 pm to “Reclaim the Streets for Horns, Bikes and Feet!” Harvard Square will welcome 25 Honk! Bands and their rolling, strolling, biking, dancing, skating, stilt dancing, costumed and puppet friends in …

Riversing 2009

Revels celebrates the first day of fall along the Charles River in Cambridge with the 6th annual RiverSing, Sunday, September 20, 2009…

The Bookish Ball

The Bookish Ball: A Community Celebration of the Bookstores of Harvard Square.

Welcome Back Students!

The Harvard Square Business Association welcomes ALL (Cambridge, Boston and Beyond) Students to Harvard Square!…

Harvard Football Weekend

We plan to celebrate football the entire weekend! Here are a few special offers ourlocal businesses have created for your enjoyment!…

Urban Ag Fair in Harvard Square

Folks were asked to bring their harvested and baked goods to the judging table. Under clear blue skies last Sunday morning, folks trekked to Harvard Square to enter their preserves and pickles, apple-pies and brownies, fruits and vegetables, and flowers and plants into the judging contest.