Summer in the City Movie Night

Palmer Street (corner of Brattle Street) Harvard Square

August 2nd, 2023, 8pm

Free Fun for the Whole Family!

The Harvard Square Business Association, in partnership with the Cambridge Arts Council, invites you to a free outdoor movie screening on Palmer Street, Wednesday, August 2nd  at 8pm. Feel free to BYOB (bring your own blanket) and snacks – we will have chairs and fresh popped popcorn!

The movie will screen at 8pm. Here’s a hint of what will be playing…

A young Hawaiian girl who lives with her sister adopts what she believes to be a dog but is actually a dangerous alien creature who has escaped from the galactic court and crash landed on Earth. The girl begins welcoming her new pet alien into their lives and teaching him the ways of the world while he is being chased by other aliens trying to recapture him and bring him back to the court. As the small family dodges aliens and social workers, they all grow to learn the true meaning of love and family.

Each summer Cambridge parks come alive with music, dance, storytellers, theatrical performances, puppetry, movies and more! The Cambridge Arts Council presents a wide array of FREE, multicultural, interactive arts programs both day and night for children, families, and the entire community.