In April 2022, staff recommended, and City Council approved a full construction approach for implementing separated bike lanes through Harvard Square due to heavy bus stop activity and the need for bus layovers. The project limits were expanded to include Mass Ave from Plympton Street to Garden Street to improve movements for people walking, cycling, taking transit, and driving into and through Harvard Square.
Impacts Analysis and Construction Feasibility Evaluation
In April 2021, the City completed the MassAve4 Impacts Analysis which recommended a construction feasibility evaluation. This evaluation, which included a community engagement process, was completed between fall 2021 and spring 2022. The project team evaluated quick-build, partial construction and full construction options for each segment. The findings and recommendations were summarized in a report for the City Council.
Recommendation to City Council:
In April 2022, the City Council approved the recommendation that Harvard Square undergo a full construction process. Full construction will allow for bike lanes to be raised to sidewalk level along bus stop islands to reduce conflicts between bicyclists, buses and boarding or alighting passengers at each stop.