Local Artists Mark Ostow and Lennie Peterson Featured at the Harvard Square Kiosk

The Harvard Square Business Association is pleased to feature the work of two distinguished local artists, Mark Ostow and Lennie Peterson, for the dual purpose of chronicling the pandemic and celebrating Black History Month.

Chronicling the Pandemic

Mark Ostow is a beloved, award-winning Cambridge photographer who has been recording the pandemic through his lens every day since March 14th and will continue to do so until the crisis is over.

Forty-eight photographs from Ostow’s black and white collection, entitled “Daily Pandemic Portrait Series”, were chosen as part of our month-long celebration specifically for their depictions of love, family and the simplicity and beauty of everyday life.

Ostow said, “I have gone out there every single afternoon with my camera searching for the loving gesture, the special light, the alienation and sadness, the quirky ways we have adapted, and the pure joy of being alive.”

Mark’s photos are projected on a large screen and can be viewed daily beginning at 5:00 p.m. from the windows on the north and east sides of the Harvard Square Kiosk.