I am excited to share this information about our upcoming Small Business Open House Wednesday on April 24 from 2:00pm – 3:30pm at the City Hall Annex in the 2nd floor conference room.
Please have any Cambridge small business owners join us for an open house hosted by the Cambridge Community Development Department!
Cambridge small business owners and entrepreneurs are invited to talk with representatives from the following City of Cambridge departments:
· Economic Opportunity and Development Division
· Inspectional Services Department
· License Commission
· Department of Public Works
· Environmental and Transportation Planning
Are the small business owners you know interested to learn more about any of the following:
· Do the small business owners you know have questions about licensing or permitting?
· Are they curious about the recycling or compost program for your food business?
· Do they want to learn more about the programs, services, grants, and other resources available to their Cambridge small businesses?
Registration is not required but encouraged. Register Here
Please feel free to share this Small Business Open House with your network of small business owners!
Thank you!